When you are in a toxic relationship or marriage, moving forward may feel like an uphill battle. It can be draining physically and emotionally. In order to put one foot in front of the other, you need to have focus, mental clarity and physical strength. Here are some guiding principles for coping.
Your story in God's hands can be held to a higher calling and for a higher purpose. Seek wisdom in how to RESPOND and not REACT to your situation.
Like a ship out in sea, a storm can sway you in all directions. Keep your ship close to shore, anchored close to help and healing. Walk with integrity and strength. Keep the verse of hope and healing with you always. Take care of yourself!
Don't isolate! Remove the bondage of shame. Stay close to those you trust, love, and who support you. Build a healthy community outside of your marriage to be your sounding board.
The most bold voice firmly placed in the Word of God and helpful to so many pastors and women when talking about toxic marriages. She is not afraid of the truth. Her pivotal book for many people is entitled The Emotionally Destructive Marriage: How to Find our Voice and Reclaim your Hope
WEBSITE | https://leslievernick.com
YouTube channel podcast:
Christian counselor with a passion for the oppressed. She is author of the book: Is it Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims. She provides resources for churches with 2 booklets: and helped make a curriculum for churches. She continues to dialogue with many, and has been a driving force in the focus on the family resource page for domestic abuse.
WEBSITE | www.darbystrickland.com
One of the trail blazing men with a Bible in one hand, and counseling degree in the other, who can bolds speak the truth about abuse in marriage. He leads podcasts and is author of many books related to relationships. One book is Enough is Enough: Step by Step Plan to leave an Abusive Relationship with God's Help
He has lots of helpful you tube videos on these topics
YOUTUBE | / drdavidclarke
WEBSITE | https://www.davideclarkephd.com
Natalie Hoffman wrote a book called "Is it me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage." She has been on this journey and started the flying free podcast and the flying free sisterhood program with workshops and coaching and more. Her youtube channel provides resources for Christian women who are in an emotional abusive marriage.
WEBSITE | www. flyingfreenow.com
Christian Divorce Recovery Coach and Leader since 1998. She is the author of the book, The Life-Saving Divorce.
WEBSITE | https://lifesavingdivorce.com
She has many helpful YouTube videos. One of my favorite is this one:
How do I know my spouse has changed with with Bob Hamp, MFT. Bob's key principle: Abuse and codependency are all about the mis-assignment of responsibility.
Christian who went through a divorce and is now and Coach and author of several books. One is : Your Restoration Journey: Rediscover Your Faith & Yourself After Divorce
WEBSITE |full of resources: https://jengrice.com/resources
You tube channel filled with topics: https://m.youtube.com/@JenGrice
Talking through another person’s story with trials of church counseling without real reconciliation
Lead by Lysa Terkeurst, along with theologian Dr. Joel Muddamalle and licensed counselor Jim Cress. Lysa leads Proverbs 31 ministries and wrote the book: Good boundaries and Goodbye
A link to discussion about emotional abuse:
And another on when women are devalued:
A Christian woman who went through a divorce and talks about narcissism in many small videos and shares content for resources on narcissism from a Christian perspective.
WEBSITE | www.krisreece.com
She is also a licensed Christian counselor and divorce recovery coach with a podcast: https://krisreece.com/podcast/
A Christian counselor, coach, blogger who found the lack of resources problematic in her own personal journey. She is now counseling women and men and using online scheduling. She provides excellent content on her blog for free. She has resources for sale on her site such as “The D word- scripture study and reflection”, how to navigate family law and the court system through a divorce or separation, and g
WEBSITE | www.changingus.org
Resources page: https://www.changingus.org/help-for-you
Triple Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with the state of Florida. She also had her own experiences as Christian dealing with a narcissistic spouse.
Book: Don’t Let Your Crazy Make You Crazy - for people who cannot leave but need hel. Written with therapy in mind, and with a strong Biblical lens.
Website: https://www.slade-waggonercounselingservices.com
Podcast: https://www.slade-waggonercounseli
Cindy Burrell is author of the book, "Why Is He so Mean to Me?". You writes about emotional abuse from a personal history in a 20 year marriage that ended with the Lord releasing her from this. She talks about the recovery process, rebuilding her life, having boundaries and gives tips to pastors and counselors so that they can better identify mental abuse.
WEBSITE | https://lifesavingdivorce.com/cindy
Christian survivor talks openly about her abusive relationship with her husband, who shared how it effected her church community, going to church and the general experience of divorce in church.
Gretchen Baskerville illustrates statistics about divorce due to abuse: more than you may have guessed
Emotionally Destructive Marriage: part 1
Emotionally Destructive Marriage: part 2
Staying healthy in a toxic marriage- tackling the topic of headship and submission. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5t6omWJxwvw
Getting anxious: Did I do enough to save my marriage?
Letting go vs. giving up
In this video, there is an excellent strategy to dealing with and understanding verbally abusive men. And, he talks about a detailed way to respond Biblically in order to have joy despite what your husband says to you.
If you identify with the description, you will feel that they are talking about your spouse! You are not alone and there are resources.
A psychologist who shares his wisdom and compassion to speak the truth about narcissim in several you tube videos on his channel "Surviving Narcissim"
WEBSITE | www.drlescarter.com which he fills with information and potential courses
A psychologist who boldly, accurately, and definitively talks about narcissism and the people with these traits. She shares wisdom and expertise in many you tube videos and other resources.
You tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoctorRamani
Well done video on the chronic insidious effects of a narcissistic abusive relationship on a few people over time. Chilling to watch- but important concepts in this documentary exist in almost every type of abuse.
Dr. David Hawkins is a clinical psychologist who helps with marriage recovery and has many great resources on types of abuse including those related to narcissistic behavior. He founded the "marriage recovery center."
Why an abused person in a narcissistic relationship may show anger:
What is covert emotional abuse: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GsteadIbJ5U
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